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KB User's Guide - Stats Tab - Doc Upkeep All Groups

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You must have full administrative permissions in your space to perform these steps. This means access to the Documents, Settings, and Users tabs.

KB Admins can track document activity of: creation, activation, etc. The Time Frame filter allows you to look at a specific month or a block of time such as a calendar year or a specific quarter of the fiscal year. This document will explain what each field in the table designates.

Document Upkeep Activities Screen and its Fields

To access the Document Upkeep Activities screen, click on the Stats tab at the top, and choose Doc Upkeep All Groups in the left menu.

Menu location for Doc Upkeep All Groups link highlighted in red

The Document Upkeep Activities screen defaults to the current month and year.  The image below shows the defaulted institution of University of Wisconsin - Madison. The table displays all subsites under that Institution. You may update the From and through year/month fields (highlighted in red) to a specific or broad period of time.

Start month and through month selector is highlighted in red

Table Fields Defined

Time Frame - You may designate a time frame using the search and display filters at the top of the table.

Created - Indicates that a document was created and saved one time. A document is only counted once in the designated Time Frame.

ActivatedNew - Indicates that a document was activated for the first time ever in the designated Time Frame. To be specific, the document was only in a status of Active but not in dual status. Dual status documents do not count in ActivatedNew nor ActivatedAll. 

Updated  - Indicates that a document was, indeed, updated. While there may have been many updates in the designated Time Frame, either in the status of Draft or Active, the updated document is only counted once.  

ActivatedAll - Indicates unique documents that were activated and remain in the status of Active but not in dual status.. A document in the designated Time Frame will not be counted more than once even if it is updated and reactivated multiple times.

Reviewed - Indicates the number of documents where the Mark as reviewed button was enabled in the designated Time Frame. Clicking on the Mark as Reviewed button does not affect the documents Updated because the content did not change.

The image below shows an Active document with the Mark as Reviewed button is highlighted in red.

Mark as Reviewed button highlighted in red from a document review screen

AverageAge - Indicates documents which may soon need to be reviewed. Aging documents are typically included in the automated monthly review reminders. A lower number in this field  means documents are being reviewed with more frequency.

Total Docs - All docs owned by group regardless of status.

time frame created activated new activatednew updated activated all activatedall reviews average age averageage total docs totaldocs 
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Leah S. in KB User's Guide
KB User's Guide