Topics Map > Users Tab

KB User's Guide - Users Tab - Adding a User

NoteInformation symbol

You must have full administrative permissions in your space to perform these steps. This means access to the Documents, Settings, and Users tabs.

This document explains how to add a user to your KB and grant them permissions consistent with your workflow.

Adding a New User to your KB Space

  1. In the KB Admin Tools, navigate to the New User screen by going to the Users tab > Add a User.

  2. Begin by filling in the new user's personal information in the text fields. An asterisk denotes that the field is required:

    1. NetID* -  Enter the NetID or username
    2. Domain* -  Enter the domain, (University of Wisconsin-Madison:, University of Chicago:, etc).
    3. First Name* - First name.
    4. Middle Name - Middle name.
    5. Last Name - Last name.
    6. Email* -   Email address.
    7. Phone Number - Phone number.
    8. Internal API password - Password to connect to the internal API for your group space.
    9. Local login password - This is for local authentication only (if you don't use your domain's authentication system, e.g., NetID authentication for UW-Madison).

    Note: After entering a user's NetID or username, the rest of their personal information may auto-fill, and the text fields are grayed out and not editable. This occurs when the user already has a account in a different group in the KB. When this happens, a line of text will appear next to the NetID field telling you what their default group space is.

    If you do not believe the user should still have access to the other group space, you can contact the other group's admin to request they be removed (you can find their contact info under the Settings tab > Group spaces page). You can also contact the user to recommend they update their default group space to yours.

  3. Select which permissions to grant the new user.

    Permissions will appear in a table, with the permission name in the first column, and the checkbox for each permission in the next column. The active, ikb, owner docs, and group docs checkboxes will be checked by default.

    For a detailed description of each user permission, please see KB User's Guide - Users Tab - Overview of User Permissions.

    You may also use one of the buttons below the checkboxes to easily set common combinations of permissions:

    • Select all access rights buttons - Checks the box in every permission listed in the above table
    • Select default access rights -  Resets a user to the defaulted checked permissions: Active, iKB, OwnerDocs and GroupsDocs.
    • Deselect all access rights - Deselects all permissions that have been previously checked.

    Selecting permissions based on desired access

    Choose access to grant user
    Desired Access: Check These Boxes:

    Access to the internal KB (user can read docs on the KB but cannot create or edit documents).
    Check Active and iKB.
    Do NOT check oDocs nor gDocs.

    Create and edit only documents they own
    Check oDoc
    (as well as Active and iKB (for internal sites))

    Create and edit documents owned by anyone in the group
    Check gDoc
    (as well as Active and iKB, and probably oDoc)
    Access the Topics, News, Settings, Users, Asst, or Stats tabs: Check the corresponding checkbox.
    NOTE: Managers like to review stats, so be sure to give them access to this page.

    Publish documents (make documents active on either internal or external KB sites):
    Check Publish
    Test beta features on your KB Site (Please refer to [Link for document 93225 is unavailable at this time]  for more information) : Check Tester
    Be considered a KB Group Administrator Check all available permissions 
    (Active, iKB, ... Publish)
  4. If desired, you may enter information the user's area of expertise in the Subject areas field. This is an optional free form text field that can be used from the full users table.

  5. If your group has User Access Groups set up, they will appear in the User groups row. You can make the new user a member of one or more groups by checking them here.

  6. Click on Add User at the bottom of the screen to finish creating new user account.

Keywordskb knowledgebase knowledge base user guide users tab adding authorize authorizing owner group domain doc gdoc odoc iKB active publish permissions access assessment asst news topics sitepref users granting rights user access groups owner group admin New user auto-fill displays current default group space subject area profile picture pic required field checkboxes iKB OwnerDocs owner docs GroupDocs group docs news topics users asst assessment sitepref stats publish gdocs group docs odocs owner docs test tester beta new editor features adminonlyDoc ID5338
OwnerLeah S.GroupKB User's Guide
Created2007-01-29 19:00:00Updated2024-10-01 13:00:44
SitesKB Demo - Child Demo KB, KB User's Guide
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