Results: 21-40 of 42

KB User's Guide - General Info - Quick Search Options

Last updated on 2023-12-04
Entering a "Quick Search" term in the Search field of your live KB site will yield a specific collection of documents. This document will detail the Quick Search Options that apply to both Internal and External sites, and Options that only apply to ...
  • Group: KB User's Guide
  • Views this week: 66
  • Total views: 31220
ID: 36726

KB User's Guide - General Info - Checking KB Documents for Accessibility

Last updated on 2023-11-20
This document provides information and resources for verifying that the content of your KB documents is accessible for your end users.
  • Group: KB User's Guide
  • Views this week: 63
  • Total views: 30236
ID: 85611

TinyMCE Editor Transition - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Last updated on 2023-10-18
The KB Admin Tools is transitioning away from the Classic editor to the TinyMCE editor. This document outlines common questions about the transition and timeline.
  • Group: KB User's Guide
  • Views this week: 76
  • Total views: 7548
ID: 121909

KB User's Guide - Documents Tab - Minor vs Major Document Changes

Last updated on 2023-10-12
When publishing a change to an existing KB document, the change will be marked as either "major" or "minor". This document describes how this designation is determined, as well as the effects of publishing a major change.
  • Group: KB User's Guide
  • Views this week: 68
  • Total views: 14314
ID: 109513

KB Users Guide - Settings Tab - Creating a Site Map Menu Based on Topics

Last updated on 2023-09-11
This document will show you how to create a site-map style topic navigation menu for your Live KB Site(s). This menu will display your highest-level topics, which once clicked, will direct the user to a page with links to sub-topics and their ...
  • Group: KB User's Guide
  • Views this week: 56
  • Total views: 42311
ID: 64418

My KB Group Space: A First Look

Last updated on 2023-09-06
Please review this very high level document which paints the KB in very broad strokes.
  • Group: KB User's Guide
  • Views this week: 50
  • Total views: 23144
ID: 36806

KB User's Guide - General Info - How to Hide Topic Breadcrumbs

Last updated on 2023-08-28
This document will explain how a KB Group Admin can hide topic breadcrumbs from view on their KB Live Site(s), either across your site or on a single KB document.
  • Group: KB User's Guide
  • Views this week: 61
  • Total views: 11992
ID: 112059

KB User's Guide - General Info - Table of Contents

Last updated on 2023-08-14
Clicking on any link on this page will lead you to the KB User's Guide KB subsite. Once on the subsite, you may continue to search for documents and advanced search features to find what you need.
  • Group: KB User's Guide
  • Views this week: 81
  • Total views: 75997
ID: 5233

KB User's Guide - General Info - XML (RSS) Display Options

Last updated on 2023-08-11
The KB offers RSS feed options for your KB site. RSS is a format for delivering regularly changing web content. Some KB groups publish and frequently updateinformation: documents, news, blog entries and so on. The RSS feed benefits those who want ...
  • Group: KB User's Guide
  • Views this week: 113
  • Total views: 42300
ID: 15136

KB User's Guide - General Info - Creating a KB Admin Alert

Last updated on 2023-08-08
If you have important information you need to communicate to all authors in your KB group space, you may create a KB Admin Alert, which will display as a persistent banner in the KB Admin Tools.
  • Group: KB User's Guide
  • Views this week: 56
  • Total views: 15005
ID: 104160

KB User's Guide - General Info - Subscribe to Changes

Last updated on 2023-07-24
The following explains how to receive an email notification whenever a change is made to a document.
  • Group: KB User's Guide
  • Views this week: 66
  • Total views: 27690
ID: 13761

KB User's Guide - General Info - Embedding KB Content in Another Website

Last updated on 2023-07-24
This document explains the use case and approach for embedding KB content into an external (i.e. non-KB) website or web-based application that your organization manages.
  • Group: KB User's Guide
  • Views this week: 50
  • Total views: 21290
ID: 81509

KB User's Guide - Contact the KB Team

Last updated on 2023-07-13
The KnowledgeBase (KB) team's standard support hours are Monday-Friday 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m..
  • Group: KB User's Guide
  • Views this week: 52
  • Total views: 11289
ID: 113672

KB User's Guide - General Info - View Your Institution Sitemap

Last updated on 2023-06-30
Search engine web crawlers read your Institution's site map (and consequently its content) to intelligently crawl your site. It provides valuable metadata associated with the KB documents listed in that sitemap. Metadata is information about a KB ...
  • Group: KB User's Guide
  • Views this week: 67
  • Total views: 28234
ID: 55719

KB User's Guide - General Info - Embed a Google Calendar into a Document

Last updated on 2023-06-02
This document will show you how to locate Google Calendar embed code and how to place it into a KB Document.
  • Group: KB User's Guide
  • Views this week: 79
  • Total views: 29918
ID: 61934

KB User's Guide - General Info - Site-Level Vs. Document-Level Feedback

Last updated on 2023-06-01
This document describes the difference between site-level and document-level feedback forms available to end users, including how related notifications are routed.
  • Group: KB User's Guide
  • Views this week: 56
  • Total views: 22244
ID: 89421

KB User's Guide - General Info - Manage Your Favorite Documents (for Internal Site only)

Last updated on 2023-05-26
Designating Favorite docs in your Internal KB is great if you often refer to the same set of docs OR if you often refer users to the same set of docs. All of your "Favorited" documents are easily accessed by using the showmyfavoritedocs "Quick ...
  • Group: KB User's Guide
  • Views this week: 52
  • Total views: 26253
ID: 18630

KB User's Guide - API - What is an API?

Last updated on 2022-06-27
This document provides a general description of what an Application Programming Interface (API) is, as well as some helpful references in learning more about how you can use the KB APIs to pull KB data into other applications.
  • Group: KB User's Guide
  • Views this week: 93
  • Total views: 25765
ID: 29280

KB User's Guide - Documents Tab - TinyMCE Shorthand Codes

Last updated on 2022-04-05
This document explains how to use shorthand codes in the TinyMCE editor to quickly insert LinkDocs, IncludeDocs, and attachments, or to look up users.
  • Group: KB User's Guide
  • Views this week: 69
  • Total views: 11275
ID: 114323

KB User's Guide - KB Training - Watch the New Editor Training

Last updated on 2021-11-03
The KB Team held a training on the new document editor, which will eventually replace the classic editor. If you weren't able to attend, you can view the training recording here.
  • Group: KB User's Guide
  • Views this week: 61
  • Total views: 17554
ID: 104509
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