Topics Map > UW Independent Learning

Finding and Ordering Your Textbooks for Independent Learning Courses

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This document will outline how to find your textbooks and course materials for your Independent Learning (IL) Course

1. Go to the IL bookstore website and click on either "Books" or "Shop Textbooks."
Bookstore Homepage

2. Select "INDP" from the first drop-down, then choose your IL course(s). You can enter several courses for one semester. Once you are done, click the "Find" button.

Find Books Button

3. You will be taken to a page that displays the course materials for your course(s). You will see new information, such as ISBN, Author, etc.

NOTE: You may see a category that displays the required materials (letter A below) and any other materials that are recommended (letter B below), but not required, for the course. 

Required or Recommended Image

You may be able to buy or rent new or used textbooks. Be sure to select the appropriate option.

4. When you have selected your preferred option, click "Add X Items to Bag".

Add to Bag Image

5. After you click "Add X Items to Bag," a new window will appear. To begin the purchase process, click "View Bag & Checkout."
If you have purchased course materials from Follett before, you may sign in using the account you set up earlier. 

If you have never purchased course materials from Follett, you can create an account.

From here, follow the prompts and instructions to purchase your textbooks.

textbooks, books, materials, independent, learning, il, follett, efollett 
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Christy S. in Wisconsin Online Collaboratives
Wisconsin Online Collaboratives